The Value of a Photograph - Springville, AL

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Sometimes when I close my eyes and sit in a quiet place, I can still hear her voice. I used to remember every inflection, tone and crack in her voice. But over the years it has faded. I didn’t answer the phone the night before she passed away when she tried to call me. That haunts me. I would trade anything to have that opportunity back.  It’s been ten years since I have talked with my Mother.  All I have left are the memories I have stored deep in the vault of my heart and pictures to remind me of the way she looked.  I have spent countless hours weeping over those photographs. Photos that I could not stop staring at for days on end so that I didn’t forget the blueness of her eyes. They reminded me of the ocean. The way her mouth upturned, and how her eyes squinted a little as she smiled. What a treasure it is to have a few pictures of her as a very young teenage mother and seeing the weight of the world on her face. To be honest, I have way less pictures of her or us together than I would like to admit. I grew up in the time of having film cameras and suffered a house fire that would destroy countless photographs that did exist of her. The few photos that I do have are invaluable to me. All of the memories and seemingly everyday moments hold the gravity of a lifetime for me.

Nowadays, I am the one taking pictures of everyone and all of the everyday moments. We recently went on a friend’s trip and I made it my mission to capture everything. I am sure I was super annoying, but I understand the value of a photograph. I understand that although my mind might not remember every detail, a photograph can transport me back to that exact moment and the flood of emotions will come rushing up within me. As mothers, we are often the one left out of photos with our family because we are always the ones taking the photos. Sometimes I hand my phone over to my husband so that he can snap pictures of me with my girls. I want my babies to remember that I was there for all of it. The dances, the games, the mundane, the everyday, the holidays and all of the chaos and excitement in between.  I am here to tell you that life is fragile and fleeting and full of moments that we often take for granted. This is the reason I am so passionate every year when Mother’s Day comes around.  I want to make it my personal mission to remind moms to GET IN PHOTOS WITH YOUR BABIES!! You will never regret this. So what if your hair isn’t perfect, or you think that you need to lose that extra ten pounds before getting photos done. Seriously… all that your babies will remember is the love that they see in your eyes and the smile on your face in the photographs.

Motherhood is full of beauty and chaos. It’s a constant ebb and flow of emotions. Being a wife and mother are my greatest earthly gifts and I want to be sure that I leave my children with a multitude of memories through photographs that we take. When I scroll back through pictures of me and my girls, I am immediately transported to a moment with a tidal wave of feelings that come rushing back. I can see their tiny features that I miss so much. I love and am saddened to watch their little faces and bodies transform through the years. Oh, my heart can barely take it sometimes that they are getting to be little girls and no longer toddlers.

The love between you and your child deserves to be captured. The story of your devotion deserves to be told. You will never regret leaving your babies a tangible reminder of your divine relationship. So, in honor of Mother’s Day, I am hosting Motherhood Mini Sessions in my studio. These will be classic, airy, and timeless. I would love to help you capture an intimate moment with your babies!

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